1. Information on this site

This website has been compiled with the greatest possible care. Although we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee that the information is correct at the time it is received or that the information will remain correct over time. We cannot accept liability for any damages resulting from the use of the information on this site. No rights or claims may be derived from the contents of this website.


2. Hyperlinks

This website contains links to websites that are not managed by us. These links are for informational purposes only. As much as possible, we aim to link only to sites we deem reliable, but we are in no way responsible and/or liable for the content or quality of these websites.


3. Copyright

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4. Use of cookies

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5. Privacy policy

See our privacy policy for more information.


6. Contact details

  • Site owner: Gert Hermans

  • E-mail: mail@gerthermans.be

  • Location: 3723 Guigoven (Hasselt), Belgium